The following are errata (or just typos) for the earliest printings of Finite-State Text Processing. All of these issues have been fixed in a second release (not technically a second edition) available May 2022 onwards.

p. 2: "Such machines can be in exactly one of two states..."

p. 11: " required to efficiently compute..."

p. 41, figure 3.7: two states are labeled "2".

p. 43: " finite automaton..."

p. 47: figure 4.3 caption: "the language a*(bc ∪ de)..."

p. 52: "...right-to-left application:...

p. 53: "....note that c...."

p. 53: "...end-of-string symbol..."

p. 55, table 5.1: "-Round" and "+Round" should be swapped.

p. 61: " lower bound..."

p. 70: "...each of the rules operates..."

p. 72: "...the cascade defined above..."

p. 72: In the snippet one_top_string should be one_top_rewrite

p. 80: "...are spelled quite similarly..."

p. 85: In the snippet lemma_features has not yet been defined; nomsg should be used instead.

p. 89: Snippet ends with a superfluous closing parenthesis

p. 89: "...the stem shape..."

p. 89: "...the CVCC? template..."

p. 90: "...the CVCVVC? template..."

p. 95: "...the number of insertions..."

p. 96: In the snippet edit_distance should refer to edit_transducer.

p. 98: "...modifying it to generating..."

p. 101: Snippet lacks closing parenthesis

We thank Gabriel Bernier-Colbourne, who submitted many of these. Feel free to submit more of them here.