Automatic batch sizing

Yoyodyne is my lab’s sequence-to-sequence library, intended to be a replacement for Fairseq, which is (essentially) abandonware. One matter of urgency for me in building Yoyodyne was to enable automatic hyperparameter tuning. This was accomplished by logging results to Weights & Biases (W&B). We can perform a random or Bayesian hyperparameter sweep using a “grid” specified via a YAML file, monitor progress on the W&B website, or even hit the API to grab the best hyperparameters. One issue that kept coming up, however, is that it is easy to hit out-of-memory (OOM) errors during this process. Here’s what we did about it:

OOMs are not purely due to model size: the model, batch, and gradients all need to fit into the same VRAM. PyTorch Lightning, which is a key part of the Yoyodyne backend, provides a function for automatically determining the maximum batch size that will not trigger an OOM. Basically, it works by starting with a low batch size (by default, 2), randomly drawing three batches of that size, and then attempting training (but in fact caching parameters so that no real training occurs). If this does not trigger an OOM, it doubles the batch size, and so on.1,2 You can enable this approach in Yoyodyne using the flag --find_batch_size max. You’d want to use this if you believe that a giant batch size is fine and you just want to fully saturate your GPU.

A slightly more sophisticated version of this, useful when you actually want to tune batch size, is enabled with the flag --find_batch_size opt. This again begins by doubling the size of randomly drawn batches as well, but here it halts once the doubling exceeds the value of the --batch_sizeflag. If the max batch size is larger than the requested size, it is used as is; thus this acts as a soft check against OOMs. If, however, the max batch size is smaller than --batch_size it instead solves for a new batch size, the largest batch size which is smaller than the max and which is a divisor of --batch_size`. It then enables multiple rounds of gradient accumulation per update,3 thus perfectly-losslessly simulating the desired batch size while using as much of VRAM as possible. I can assure you this is a killer feature for neural network tuning.


  1. This is a little imprecise, and one can refine it by doing a binary search, but in practice it’s not worth the effort when working with ragged data.
  2. Whatever batch size was requested with the --batch_size flag is ignored.
  3. More formally, given desired batch size $b$ and a max batch size $n’$, it finds $a, n$ such that $a$ is the smallest integer, and $n$ is the largest integer, where $an = b$. This is computed via brute force; my implementation of an elegant solution based on the prime factorization was a bit slower.

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