Defectivity in Scottish Gaelic

[This is part of a series of defectivity case studies. Hat tip to John Hutchinson for this valuable information.]

I am currently wrapping up a class at the LSA Institute class on defectivity, and as part of this class students presented case studies. Some of them students enriched case studies I have already presented in this defectivity blog series; the following new-to-me case was provided to us by John Hutchinson of the University of Surrey.

Defective verbs in Gaelic have been long noted, particularly by Dwelly (1911) and Maclaren (1935). They are something of a grab-bag. First, there are verbs with tense restrictions:

  • The verb of quotation ars/orsa ‘said’ is restricted to past tense only.
  • Where English has the adverb almost, Gaelic has theab, which selects a verb-noun complement (e.g., theab e fhéin a bhith marbh ‘he was almost dead’) and which is also restricted to past tense.
  • The verb faod ‘may’ is non-past only.
  • The verb feum ‘must’ is non-past only, though Hutchinson notes that past forms do occur in corpora.

There are also a number of verbs which occur only in the imperative (cf. my judgments about English beware):

  • trothad/trobhad ‘come here’
  • t(h)iugainn ‘come along’
  • thalla ‘go away’
  • siuthad ‘go on, fire away’
  • feuch ‘behold’ (though note this is not defective in the sense of ‘show’)

Finally, Hutchinson notes that prepositions are inflected for person and number but eadar ‘between’ (naturally enough) only has plural forms. These cases of defectivity make a lot of semantic sense to me, particularly the restriction on the modal-like verbs and on ‘between’.


Dwelly, E. 1911. Illustrated Gaelic English Dictionary. Alex Maclaren & Sons.
Maclaren, J. 1935. Maclaren’s Gaelic Self-Taught, 4th edition. Alex Maclaren & Sons.

Defectivity in French

[This is part of a series of defectivity case studies.]

Morin (1987:33f.), cited in Boyé & Cabredo Hofherr (2010), draws attention to the French verb frire ‘to fry’. It is unobjectionable in the present active singular—je fris, tu fris, il frit—but apparently defective in the plural; according to my informants, speakers paraphrase this using inflected forms of faire frire ‘to make fried’. Arrivé (1987), also cited by Boyé & Cabredo Hofherr, lists frire and about a dozen other verbs as defective; according to my informants, all are rare, archaic, or unfamiliar.

Consider the case of frire briefly. It has an obvious analogical model: rire ‘to laugh’, which suggests *nous frions ‘we fry’, and so on. One obvious possibility is that this is somehow in competition with *nous frissons (cf. je finis/nous finissons ‘I/we finish’ and most 2nd conjugation verbs), which would give rise to a weird homophony with the plural of frisson ‘shiver; excitement’.1


  1. Here the ss appearing in the plural is ultimately descended from the Latin inchoative infix -sc- as seen in, e.g., nascō ‘I am born’. Neat, right?


Arrivé, M. 1997. La conjugaison pour tous. Hatier.
Boyé, G., and Cabredo Hofherr, P. 2010. Defectivity as stem suppletion in French and Spanish verbs. In Defective Paradigms: Missing Forms and What They Tell Us, ed. M. Baerman, G. G. Corbett, and D. Brown, 35–52. Oxford University Press.
Morin, Y.-C. 1987. Remarques sur l’organisation de la flexion des verbes français. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics 77-78: 13-91.

“Hi both”

I recently noticed that I have been receiving emails, addressed to multiple recipients, with the salutation

Hi both,

In fact I appear to have 34 of them in one of my many inboxes, including two received from different authors today. For me, this is sharply ungrammatical, though I am not sure why. Both is unobjectionable in subject or object position (e.g.,  Both liked limoncello, She fancies both, etc.) so I am not sure why it is bad in a salutation. A very informal survey of the people who have sent it to me shows two speakers for whom English is their second language (though both have extremely high proficiency) but also several native speakers too. Any ideas?

Debugging CUDA indexing errors

Perhaps you’ve seen pages of the following scary error:

../aten/src/ATen/native/cuda/ operator(): block: [99,0,0], thread: [115,0,0] Assertion `index >= -sizes[i] && index < sizes[i] && "index out of bounds"` failed.

It turns out there is a relatively simple way to figure out what the indexing issue is. The internet suggests prepending


to your command, but this doesn’t seem to help much either. There is a simpler solution: run whatever you’re doing on CPU. It’ll give you much nicer errors.

A note on pure allophony

I have previously discussed the notion of pure allophony, contrasting it with the facts of alternations. What follows is a lightly edited section from my recent NAPhC 12 talk, which in part hinges on this notion.

While Halle (1959) famously dispenses with the structuralist distinction between phonemics and morphophonemics, some later generativists reject pure allophony outright. Let the phonemic inventory of some grammar G be P and the set of surface phones generated by G from P be S. If some phoneme p P always corresponds—in some to be made precise—to some phone s ∈ S and if s ∉ P then s is a pure allophone of p. For example, if /s/ is a phoneme and [ʃ] is not, but all [ʃ]s correspond to /s/s, then [ʃ] is a pure allophone of [s]. According to some descriptions, this is the case for Korean, as [ʃ] is a (pure) allophone of /s/ when followed by [i].

One might argue that alternations are more entrenched facts than pure allophony, simply because it is always possible to construct a grammar free of pure allophony. For instance, if one wants to do away with pure allophony one can derive the Korean word [ʃI] ‘poem’ from /ʃi/ rather than from /si/. One early attempt to rule out pure allophony—and thus to motivate the choice of /ʃi/ over /si/ for the this problem—is the alternation condition (Kiparsky 1968). As Kenstowicz & Kisseberth (1979:215) state it, this condition holds that “the UR of a morpheme may not contain a phoneme /x/ that is always realized phonetically as identical to the realization of some other phoneme /y/.” [Note here that /x, y/ are to be interpreted as variables rather than as the voiceless velar fricative or the front high round vowel.–KBG] Another recent version of this idea—often attributed to Dell (1973) or Stampe (1973)—is the notion of lexicon optimization (Prince & Smolensky 1993:192).

A correspondent to this list wonders why, in a grammar G such that G(a) = G(b) for potential input elements /a, b/, a nonalternating observed element [a] is not (sometimes, always, freely) lexically /b/. The correct answer is surely “why bother?”—i.e. to set up /b/ for [a] when /a/ will do […] The basic idea reappears as “lexicon optimization” in recent discussions. (Alan Prince, electronic discussion; cited in Hale & Reiss 2008:246)

Should grammars with pure allophony be permitted? The question is not, as is sometimes supposed, a purely philosophical one (see Hale & Reiss 2008:16-22): both linguists and infants acquiring language require a satisfactory answer. In my opinion, the burden of proof lies with those who would deny pure allophony. They must explain how the language acquisition device (LAD) either directly induces grammars that satisfy the alternation condition, or optimizes all pure allophony out of them after the fact. “Why bother” could go either way: why posit either complication to the LAD when pure allophony will do? The linguist faces a similar problem to the infant. To wit, I began this project assuming Latin glide formation was purely allophonic, and only later uncovered—subtle and rare—evidence for vowel-glide alternations. Thus in this study, I make no apology for—and draw no further attention to—the fact that some data are purely allophonic. This important question will have to be settled by other means.


Dell, F. 1973. Les règles et les sons. Hermann.
Hale, M, and Reiss, R.. 2008.
The Phonological Enterprise. Oxford University Press.
Halle, M. 1959. The Sound Pattern of Russian. Mouton.
Kenstowicz, M. and Kisseberth, C. 1979. Generative Phonology: Description and Theory. Academic Press.
Kiparsky. P. 1968. How Abstract is Phonology? Indiana University Linguistics Club.
Prince, A. and Smolensky, P. 1993. Optimality Theory: Constraint interaction in generative grammar. Technical Report TR-2, Rutgers University Center For Cognitive Science and Technical Report CU-CS-533-91, University of Colorado, Boulder Department of Computer Science.
Stampe, D. 1973. A Dissertation on Natural Phonology. Garland.

Defectivity in Amharic

[This is part of a series of defectivity case studies.]

According to Sande (2015), only Amharic verb stems that contain a geminate can form a frequentative. Since not all imperfect aspect verbs have geminates, some lack frequentatives and speakers must resort to periphrasis. If I understand the data correctly, it appears that the frequentative is a /Ca-/ reduplicant template which docks to the immediate left of the first geminate; the C (consonant) slot takes its value from said geminate. For instance, for the perfect verb [ˈsäb.bärä] ‘he broke’, the frequentative is [sä.ˈbab.bärä] ‘he broke repeatedly’. But there is no corresponding frequentative for the imperfective verb [ˈjə.säb(ə)r] ‘he breaks’ since there is no geminate to dock the reduplicant against; Sande marks as ungrammatical *[jə.sä.ˈbab(ə)r] and presumably other options are out too.

(h/t: Heather Newell)


Sande, H. 2015. Amharic infixing reduplication: support for a stratal approach to morphophonology. Talk presented at NELS 46.

Linguistics and prosociality

It is commonly said that linguistics as a discipline has enormous prosocial potential. What I actually suspect is that this potential is smaller than some linguists imagine. Linguistics is of course essential to the deep question of “what is human nature”, but we are up against our own epistemic bounds in answering these questions and the social impact of answering this question is not at all clear to me. Linguistics is also essential to the design of speech and language processing technologies (despite what you may have heard: don’t believe the hype), and while I find these technologies exciting, it remains to be seen whether they will be as societically transformative as investors think. And language documentation is transformative to some of society’s most marginalized. But I am generally skeptical of linguistics’ and linguists’ ability to combat societal biases more generally. While I don’t think any member of society should be considered well-educated until they’ve thought about the logical problems of language acquisition, considered the idea of language as something that exists in the mind rather than just in the ether, or confronted standard language ideologies, I have to question whether the broader discipline has been very effective here getting these messages out.

Online poisoning

One of my working theories for why natural language processing feels unusually contentious at present is, yes, social media. The outspoken researchers speak, more or less constantly, to a large social media audience, and use this forum as the primary way to form and disseminate opinions. For instance, there is a very strong correlation between being an “ACL thought leader”, if not an officer, and tweeting often and aggressively. People of my age understand the addictive and corrosive nature of presenting oneself for online kudos (and jeers), but some people of the older generations lack the appropriate internet literacy to use these tools in moderation, and some people of the younger generations lack the maturity to do the same. Such people have online poisoning. Side-effects include outing oneself as the subject of a subtweet and complaining to a student’s advisor. If you have any of these symptoms, please log off immediately and touch grass.