A few days ago, we (myself with the help of graduate student Rim Dabbous and professor Charles Reiss) gave a detailed tutorial on Substance-Free Logical Phonology (LP) at the LSA meeting in Philadelphia. I was pleasantly surprised with how many people showed up (I printed about 30 handouts, and we ran out) and how engaged they were. If the question period is any indication, our colleagues understood the theory quite well. The handout is now on LingBuzz and we have a lot more material coming for you soon.
I’ll try to summarize how LP fits into theories of exceptionality in a separate post soon.
I also took the liberty of creating a simple archive for our Logical Phonology papers, the Logical Phonology Archive (LOA for short, pronounced [lwa] like French loi ‘law’ or Kreyòl loa ‘vodou spirit’). Technically, this site is sort of interesting: other than some static text, the table containing papers is an HTML iframe, dynamically generated from a Google Sheet using a template populated by server-side Javascript using the Google Apps Scripts platform; hat tip to my colleague Rivka Levitan for making me aware of this very handy possibility.